Digital Marketing Intern
- Sur site
- Brussel, Région Flamande, Belgique
- Fundraising
Description de l'offre d'emploi
Greenpeace Belgium is looking for an intern with strong knowledge and understanding of the digital media landscape for at least 3 months. This is an excellent learning opportunity for a student to get a hands-on experience focused on Digital marketing, with high impact.
What you will be doing
Support Digital Marketeer on campaign conceptualization and implementation
Produce and write content for advertising campaigns on Facebook and Google
Build reports with data from our advertising platforms
Collaborate with other Marketing/Fundraising colleagues
Collaborate with other departments
Develop news ideas of advertising campaigns for Lead Generation and Fundraising
Monitor day to day conversation on Facebook Ads
Monitor Crisp chat on the Website
Pré-requis du poste
Want to change the world, fix our climate and you care about our ecological challenges
Are currently pursuing a degree in digital marketing, communications, digital media or other related field
Are passionate about and experienced in Digital Marketing, experience with Facebook Business and Google Ads is a plus. We welcome a clear vision on digital marketing, engagement and paid media in general.
Are a digital native and are proactive in discovering new platforms and opportunities.
Have excellent communication skills
Are an expert in either French or Dutch grammar
Have great organizational and analytical skills
Your mother-tongue is either French or Dutch, and you have a practical knowledge of the other language (Dutch/French) and English
Are able to work at least 3 days a week
If you are interested in this offer, then please email your resume and a short motivation about why you want to intern at Greenpeace (4-5 sentences) to anne-lise.martin@greenpeace.org. Please mention the subject “Digital Marketing Internship” and also specify in your email when you would like to do this internship.
C'est fait !
Votre candidature a été envoyée avec succès !

Bien-être au travail
Greenpeace t’offre un package bien-être avec entre autres des avantages comme une assurance hospitalisation et des sessions chez des psychologues spécialisé·es dans les situations d’oppression.

Chez Greenpeace, tu pourras travailler de chez toi ou d’ailleurs, jusqu’à 60% de ton temps.

Un job qui a du sens
Travailler pour Greenpeace, c’est intégrer un mouvement international constitué de personnes passionnées qui luttent contre les injustices et la crise climatique.

Une bonne ambiance
Tu peux t'attendre à des afterworks récurrents, des team buildings et des staff retreats.

Apprendre et évoluer
En plus d'un large éventail de formations internes, un budget personnel de 1500€/an est prévu pour d'autres formations.

Des vacances!
Tu bénéficies bien sûr de tes congés légaux et des jours fériés mais nous t’offrons en plus 12 jours de vacances ! (pour un temps plein). Après 4 années chez Greenpeace, tu auras aussi droit à des congés d’ancienneté.
Notre engagement envers les JEDIS
(Justice, equity, diversity, inclusion & safety)